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  • DNS symbolic name is compiled for the convenience of the Registrant. The domain name corresponds to numeric IP (Internet Protocol) addresses or describes the sub-domain. The symbolic names of DNS define the place of the Registrant in the Internet, so they are not the objects of property (except the cases when they are registered as industrial property). Domain names must be unique; they can not be repeated.
  • The anatomy of a domain name is following the top-level domain (TLD), the second level sub-domain (SLD), the subdomain, etc. The DNS is composed strictly according that hierarchy: from the name of the lowest DNS level till the highest separated by periods, called dots, for example, where lt is top-level domain, ktu is the second level domain, buhalterija is the subdomain.
  • The top-level domain is usually made by using the country code. The second level domain is composed according the name of organization or the name of Internet WWW. The second level domain names are made from the names of the service station, protocol or the names of Internet service or lower names of that hierarchy.
  • A domain name may contain all Latin letters in the range [a z] and numerals [0-9]. The character - is used for the separation of the symbols (it can not be used at the beginning or the end of the name). Minimal length of the domain name is three letters, except the two letter domain is registered as a trade mark and the name of a symbol from two letters registered till 2000 06 01. Maximal length of a domain name is 63 symbols.
  • The DNS symbolic name is public, so it must be composed not to disturb the moral norms and not to mislead the users by its content or dependency. The Registrant configuring the name of DNS can not violate the rights of the third party. The Registrant can indicate its name in DNS. The names of the Lithuanian Republic and its administrative units are used in symbolic names of State institutions. The names of other States are used in DNS of their State embassies or consulate departments. The Registrant is personally responsible for the property right of industrial names (firm, trade, etc) and copyrights (illegal use of the name of work, etc.) configuring or using the DNS. The Administrator, having received the information about the violation of the rights of the third party can reverse the use till the end of the pleading between the Registrant and the third party. The Administrator is not the party of the pleadings judgig the matter about the legality of the use of DNS.
  • The Registrant composing the DNS must follow the demands foreseen in this appendix. The Registrant must take into account the remarks of Administrator if the domain names do not conforms to the demands. The agreement is not concluded if Registrant does not receive the demands of the Administrator. In this case the Registrant have the opportunity to form the DNS at the other zone of the Internet. The domain name is changed under the wish of the Registrant or under the agreement of the sides after the contract is made.
  • The Application form to compose the domain name is given by the Registrant to the Administrator. The Administrator determines the form of the application. The Registrant oughts to indicate exact data. The indication of inexact or wrong data in the Application form is a violent breach of the Contract, is not dependent upon the time of an investigation. The Registrant must inform the Administrator in two (2) workdays about the domain name data changes given in the Application form. The Registrant having given inexact or wrong data and also having not informed the Administrator about the changes in time, is responsible for the consequences (eq. The inaccessibility of the address from the other stations).

  • Technical demands for domain names

    • The Registrant must properly prepare DNS for the registered domain at least in two official stations and ensure its activity before establishing the domain. The Administrator gratuitously can prepare one such official station by the wish of the Registrant.
    • The Registrant is responsible for the change and supplementing of administrative and technical information independently of the changes of the place or the person responsible for the management of Internet. The Registrant must provide the Administrator with the information about the changes of data.
    • The refusal to implement technical demands for DNS is a strict violation of the agreement.

    Limitation of the use of domain names

    The domain names can not be used in:

    1.International law and/or for the execution of computer crimes, such as:

    • Computer cheating;

    • Computer falsification;

    • Damage for the computer data or programs;

    • Computer sabotage;

    • Illegal invasion;

    • Illegal appropriation of the data;

    • Illegal access to the information or data.

    2.Activities that are prohibited by the law of Lithuania Republic:

    • Earning by the illegal economic and commercial activities on a large scale having no enterprise, without a patent or license;

    • Spreading the pornography;

    • Violation of copyright;

    • Violation of industrial property right;

    • Other crimes, provided in criminal code of Lithuanian Republic;

    • Violations provided by administrative code of Lithuanian Republic.

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